

Entries from 2022-09-01 to 1 month


痛風可以吃薯片嗎? 如果您患有痛風,則應避免食用薯片、零食、冷凍食品等加工食品。它們是不健康的食物,可能會加劇關節痛風的問題。 什麼對痛風最有幫助? 治療非甾體抗炎藥 (NSAID)。非甾體抗炎藥包括非處方藥,如布洛芬(Advil、Motrin IB 等)和萘普生…


加拿大的養老金如何徵稅? 您每月的老年保障金 (OAS) 和加拿大退休金計劃 (CPP) 或魁北克退休金計劃 (QPP) 的退休金和福利可能需要繳納稱為“非居民稅”的加拿大所得稅。稅率為 25%,除非加拿大與您居住的國家/地區之間的稅收協定降低或豁免。 香港樓價會下跌…

What should my macros be to lose...

What should my macros be to lose weight? But in general, these ratios are a good place to start: If you exercise for an hour or less daily: 30% protein, 30% fat, 40% carbs. If you exercise for one to two hours daily: 30% protein, 25% fat, …

What is gherkin and Selenium?

What is gherkin and Selenium? Gherkin is the business language we use to write the tests in a “human readable” way. Cucumber ties the Gherkin feature files to the execution code written in Ruby. Cucumber helps us capture test results as we…